Category Archives: Announcement


We’re really happy today to announce a brand new product, DuxCal!  DuxCal is a scheduling system that people can use to book time on your calendar without the hassle of trying to negotiate an available, figuring out timezones, and the back-and-forth of too many emails.

With DuxCal, you simply send a link to your calendar and the recipient can schedule time that works for you and works for them.

Right now DuxCal is in a free beta period.  Once the beta period is complete, it will be priced at $15/user/year.  For more information, check out

Example screenshot of booking time:

Screen Shot 2015-06-27 at 12.53.07 PM

Website Redesign

I’m happy to announce the redesign of the Berding Consulting site today.

I’ve become a fan of WordPress for a company’s public face.  Easy editing tools, SEO is built in, it’s free, and if you keep your plugin load reasonable, can run on very modest hardware.

I’ve added more project profiles, cleaned up the services page, and launched this new blog.  I’m very pleased with the potential of where this can now head.